Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Time travel

So, I thought I'd written a good long post last night about some of the things I made for Christmas. Except then it vanished. There's a lot to this whole blogging thing I don't get: inserting html; remembering to give credit where it's due; formatting text around my pictures. All this I can deal with. But when I write a post on February 2nd, and it gets published on December 5th - of a whole previous year - that phases me a bit.

If you want to check out what every one got for Christmas, scroll down. If you know how to do anything about my little time travel problem, let me know.

1 comment:

H said...

Did you start writing the post on the 5th Dec? Anyway, just go back to edit the post, click on "post options" and change the date. Something got screwed up somewhere.